Seasonal Ayurveda Workshops to balance you throughout the year

Ayurveda offers a profound understanding of each person’s unique body, mind and consciousness which is the foundation of health and happiness.Vasant Lad

Drawing upon the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, these seasonally balancing workshops, in Spring, Summer and Autumn, are designed to promote well-being and restore balance. Through yoga, pranayama and meditation we can bring ourselves back into harmony physically, mentally and spiritually adapting to the seasonal changes around us throughout the year.

Join Lucinda for 3 hours of grounding/energising/calming practices to cultivate serenity. You will also learn about the Ayurvedic Dosha of vata/pitta/kapha, how to recognise imbalance, activities which aggravate the dosha and simple tools to maintain equilibrium.


Each 3 hour workshop will take the following format:

Opening two hours: Practice – Yoga, pranayama & meditation balancing for each season.

Final hour: Theory – Learn about the Kapha, Pitta Or Vata Dosha in Spring, Summer or Autumn respectively and how this can affect us during the season; learn how to restore balance using diet, lifestyle and exercise.

After the workshops there will be an opportunity to relax in the studio reception space with your fellow workshop attendees and enjoy a cup of tea in our café area if you wish.


Lucinda is a Senior Yoga teacher with over 25 years teaching experience and has been teaching at Lime House for 15 years. She studied Ayurveda with Drs Claudia Welch and Robert Svoboda, co-teaches on the 300hr Foundation Yoga Teacher Training Programme, runs workshops and courses for women, yoga retreats and 1:1s.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda is considered to be the oldest healing science by many scholars.  Ayurveda means “The Science of Life” in Sanskrit, and Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often referred to as the “Mother of All Healing.”

For many thousands of years it was taught  in an oral tradition from accomplished masters to their pupils, stemming from the ancient Vedic culture.

What are the benefits?

Ayurveda pays great attention to prevention and advocates the maintenance of health through awareness of the balance in one’s life, mindset, diet, the use of herbs and lifestyle.

Understanding how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness is learnt through gaining knowledge of Ayurveda and tailoring it according to one’s own individual constitution. Learn how to make lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance.

Book your Ayurveda workshop

Your Teacher


The practices of yoga and meditation have been a way of life for me since 1998, although I had no idea in those early days to what extent they would profoundly change my life. It has been a journey of learning to trust that we are in exactly the right place at the right time.

I began teaching over 25 years ago, and even though in the beginning the subject was different, teaching has been my path since I left university. In 2000, I was initiated into the practice of Buddhist meditation with Goenkaji in the Vipassana tradition and since then have been taught and inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh and teachers from the Insight and Thai Forest traditions.

In 2005, my first yoga teacher, Beth Shay, took me under her wing as an apprentice. I then went on to train formally in the Anusara tradition and have been teaching yoga for 16 years. More recently, I have been practising with senior teachers in the Iyengar tradition and am grateful for the insights and guidance that all of my teachers have brought.

I first met Jock around 2007 when we crossed paths while training with Bridget Woods-Kramer in Cornwall. We quickly became friends and started practising together and covering each others classes and when Jock founded Lime House, he invited me to come and teach classes and workshops at their first, smaller studio at the back of Jock’s house. After a few years, Jock suggested we look into running a Teacher Training programme together, combining our different energies and areas of expertise to bring a comprehensive training to our students. We ran our first one in 2018 and they now run bi-annually, and I am so grateful for the ability to continue sharing these ancient teachings and the joy that teaching alongside a friend brings.

About 10 years ago, I began practising Ayurveda, which shares its underlying philosophy with yoga. After studying the Foundations of Ayurveda with Doctors Claudia Welch and Robert Svoboda, I understood this to be a key ingredient in spiritual practice. Raising our awareness of the state of our body and mind is not only conducive to good health, but is inherent in our journey towards knowing the inner essence of our being.

My weekly classes in Penryn include a mixture of flow and close attention to alignment in asana, pranayama and meditation. For me, the science of yoga can only be understood through embodiment of the teachings.

“Yoga is a quest to know the nature of the true Self. Since the philosophy of yoga views a human being to be a microcosm of the macrocosm, by connecting with our inner being, we connect with Universal Consciousness, whose nature is utter peace and boundless love. I can’t think of anything more important.” Lucinda