Gregor Maehle and Monica Gauci

are visiting to Lime House Yoga from 10th – 16th August 2024 for a weekend of workshops and 5 mornings of Ashtanga Yoga Mysore (Self Practice).

Gregor and Monica began their yoga journeys separately in 1978. At that time they both studied and practised Iyengar Yoga, which established their solid foundation of physical alignment within asana practice. They met in 1995, each on their first trip to India to study Ashtanga Yoga. They were both authorised by K Pattabhi Jois* in 1996-7. In 1999 they left the Jois community to dedicate their learning and teaching to restore Ashtanga Yoga to its original tradition of a holistic eight-limbed yoga practise.

Gregor Maehle began his yogic practices 45 years ago. He is the international author of 8 books, covering all eight limbs of yoga, that have been translated into eight different languages and has authored over 300 articles on yoga. He is a mystic and a profuse blog writer covering topics on yoga and beyond. He travels the globe educating with passion, humour, insight and wisdom.

Monica Gauci is a dedicated Yogi, a compulsive Educator, a registered Yoga Therapist and a lover of the Divine. She has dedicated her adult life to studying yoga and the healing arts. Her joy is to teach, share and inspire love.

Individually, Gregor and Monica teach workshops and training world-wide. Together, they teach their Immersions in Bali and from their mountain-top studio close to Byron Bay, Australia. We are so thrilled to have them visit Lime House Yoga together this summer.

*In the wake of the MeToo movement information surfaced regarding KP Jois’ sexual assault and abuse. Please read Gregor’s statement and Monica’s statement.


Saturday 10th August 2024

Gregor Maehle will begin with a led Ashtanga class* followed by afternoon workshop, Yogic Meditation (chakra-Kundalini meditation).

Sunday 11th August 2024

There will be two more workshops on Sunday Pranayama and Kriya, and Karma Yoga – How To Find Your Life’s Divine Purpose

Monday 12th – Friday 16th August 2024

This week will consist of five mornings of Ashtanga Mysore (self practice)

See below for more details of all the workshops

* This will be instead of the normal Saturday 8am class taught by Jock.

Booking & Payment Plans

Saturday and Sunday workshops can be booked individually or all together. Book the package for all four workshops and receive a discount!

The five days of Mysore can only be booked as a block, or you can book individual day places.

If you would like to join for all 7 days, you will save money and can also spread out your payments with our payment plan. The payment plan option is only available through the website and not the App. When you arrive at the checkout online, select the payment plan option.

See below for more details and all the payment links.

Workshops & Mysore Self Practice Week

Saturday Morning 10th August. 08:00 – 10:30 | £30
Guided Ashtanga Class

Here Gregor Maehle will analyse the many intricate anatomical details of the majority of the postures
of the Primary Series, while maintaining as much pace as possible.

The focus will be on breaking down the various phases of entering and exiting the postures into their constituents. Performing postures safely while understanding which anatomical actions will
get us deep into the asanas will prevent unnecessary energy expenditure.

Through inducing precision this format also achieves that conditioning and emotions lodged in bodily tissue are
released, preparing us for the higher limbs of pranayama and meditation.


Saturday Afternoon 10th August. 12:00 – 15:00 | £50
Yogic Meditation (chakra-Kundalini meditation)

Different to Vedantic or Buddhist meditation, yogic meditation contains the same structural elements as yogic postures and breathing and was designed to form together with those an integrated whole. Meditation is the method of bringing your mind into a receptive state so that you can receive higher knowledge that is already there.

Yogic meditation is a collection of scientific methods to bring about such awareness. To accelerate spiritual evolution yogic meditation employs many means amongst which the prime ones are mantra, mudra, bandha,
chakra-visualization and Kundalini-raising techniques.

The yogic chakras are representations of evolutionary brain circuitry with the lower three chakras representing our reptilian, mammalian and primate ancestry respectively. By understanding the chakras and skillfully meditating on them yoga offers the opportunity to activate higher brain centres and propel the evolution not only of the individual but of society as a whole.

Kundalini-raising techniques consist of a combination of all other yogic means to raise the life force (prana) to a level where meditation is easy and spiritual insight becomes spontaneous.


Sunday Morning 11th August. 09:00 – 12:00 | £50
Pranayama and Kriya

Imagine how great it would be to have a switch that, when operated, would enable you to consciously choose between your right and left brain hemispheres, intuitive and analytical intelligence, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems, fight/flight reflex and rest/relaxation, and between the male and female, solar and lunar, aspects of your psyche.

How great it would be if, when required, you could switch from being compassionate to doggedly determined. Or from charged with energy to completely relaxed within a few minutes. Or from extrovert (physically present, expressive and outgoing) to introvert (reflective and absorbing) within a short time.

This switch does in fact exist and it is not at all hidden. It is the prominently protruding olfactory orifice right in the middle of your face: your nose.

Pranayama includes some of the most neglected but yet most powerful methods of yoga. Pranayama is the vital link that connects asana to meditation without which the combined benefit of both cannot be harvested. Learn how to use pranayama to harmonize the doshas (humors of the body) and thus attain a state of health and balance as well as how to still the mind, enabling spiritual insight.

The kriyas are predominantly methods of purification of the body. They support the work of postures and are especially important for people who live in large cities. They aid in removing contamination from chemical, environmental, electrical, biological and electromagnetic sources.


Sunday Afternoon 11th August. 13:00 – 16:00 | £50
Karma Yoga – How To Find Your Life’s Divine Purpose

Do you remember a time when you knew that your life would be amazing and that you would live to make a meaningful contribution to life on Earth and the life of others? And then what happened? Somehow our education and the process of enculturation cut us off from this sacred knowledge and élan vital. We became cynics and “realists”.

Since time immemorial human societies were organized around the idea that the life of the individual and of society have divine purpose. This workshop traces this knowledge to indigenous cultures, to the Bhagavad Gita, the Bible and the Yoga Sutra. Our loss of this knowledge is what has led to our environmental destruction and the 6th mass extinction of life as well as the current epidemic of mental disorders.

This workshop not only shows how we lost the knowledge that all life is sacred and purposeful, it also introduces layers of technique to lead us back to finding and gradually implementing our life’s divine purpose.

Also covered are:

  • Our life’s divine purpose in relation to quantum mechanics, astrophysics and evolutionary psychology
  • Connection to bio-symbiosis, brain development and homeostasis
  • The practice & psychology of finding one’s life’s divine purpose
  • Overcoming obstacles
  • How do we know it’s the right voice?
  • Daily cleansing regime of the subconscious mind
  • Being in the zone and absence of internal dialogue
  • Importance of forgiveness, gratitude, acceptance and surrender
  • How to embody your life’s divine purpose
  • Humanities collective divine purpose


Monday 12th – Friday 16th August. 06:30-09:00 | £200
Ashtanga Mysore Self Practice

The Mysore-style format will give students the opportunity to integrate the information learning in the Led class and also for Gregor to give individual attention to student’s needs.

Choose your workshop

The War Inside of Us - A conversation with Gregor Maehle & Helena Rosenthal

Helena Rosenthal invited me to talk about the recurring wars that we seem to get involved in. There is an imperative to pick a side and join a team but by fighting against each other we are distracted from cooperating on the issues of our age, i.e fighting climate change and mass extinction of live. The approach I took was to deconstruct the historical, spiritual, psychological and political implications of 5000 years of permanent warfare.”

Your Teacher

Gregor Maehle Badhakonasana

Gregor Maehle began his yogic practices 45 years ago. In the mid-1980s he
commenced annual travels to India, where he studied with various yogic
and tantric masters, traditional Indian sadhus and ascetics. He spent
fourteen months in Mysore, and in 1997 was authorised to teach Ashtanga
Yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois. Since then he has branched out into researching the
anatomical alignment of postures and the higher limbs of yoga.

In India Gregor also received eight months of mostly one-on-one
instruction in scripture and the higher limbs of Yoga through B.N.S. Iyengar,
a student of T. Krishnamacharya, and he studied Sanskrit under Professor
Narayanachar and Dr Chandrasekhar.

Gregor’s internationally acclaimed textbook series consisting of:

They have sold more than 100,000 copies worldwide
and have been translated into eight foreign languages. Additional volumes
currently prepared are Tantric Meditation and Bhakti: Yoga of Love. Gregor has
been invited to many countries to teach and has contributed to and been
interviewed by numerous yoga magazines. On Gregor’s blog page you will find over 300 articles, videos and
podcasts on all aspects of yoga, which Gregor has authored together with
his wife Monica.

Today Gregor teaches an anatomically sophisticated interpretation of
traditional vinyasa yoga, integrated into the practice of the higher limbs in
the spirit of Patanjali and T. Krishnamacharya. His zany sense of humour,
his manifold personal experiences, and his vast and deep knowledge of
scripture, Indian philosophies and yogic techniques combine to make his
teachings applicable, relevant and easily accessible to all his students.